陳易馨 副教授


陳易馨 副教授

Yi-Hsin Chen

辦公室電話: 07-5252000-3707

實驗室分機: 3716


光纖量子光學實驗室Fiber and Quantum Optics Laboratory



● 國立清華大學物理系博士 (2007 - 2011)

● 國立清華大學物理系碩士 (2004 - 2006)

● 國立清華大學物理系學士 (2000 - 2004)


● 國立中山大學物理系副教授 (2024/02 - Present)

● 國立中山大學物理系助理教授 (2018/02 - 2024/01)

● 國立清華大學物理系助理研究學者 (2016/08 – 2018/01)

● 德國斯圖加特大學洪堡博士後研究員 (2014/10 – 2016/03)

● 國立清華大學物理系博士後研究員 (2011/12 – 2014/07)

● 原子分子物理實驗、量子光學實驗、量子資訊


● 基礎物理數學、光學、量子光學


● 超低光功率原子光譜

● 光纖式量子光源

● 光纖式量子位元

● 量子模擬器與量子計算

● 2023 抑制靜態和動態環境磁干擾分析

● 2023 地磁屏蔽模組設計

● 2023 光泵弱磁力量測可行性分析

● 2023 Rb(銣)原子腔體製備

● 2023 利用量子干涉測量法的雷德堡原子傳感器與量子操控

● 2022 頭顱仿真3DP球殼模型微弱磁場量測研究

● 2022 OPMs-MEG量子傳感器Rb原子封裝

● 2022 光子與原子系統中的量子優勢(2/4)

● 2021 光子與原子系統中的量子優勢(1/4)

● 2022 奈米光纖之強光學非線性研究(3/3)

● 2021 奈米光纖之強光學非線性研究(2/3)

● 2020 奈米光纖之強光學非線性研究(1/3)

● 2019 奈米光纖中進行量子操控研究 (2/2)

● 2018 奈米光纖中進行量子操控研究 (1/2)

● 2017 高效率量子記憶體與熱雷德堡EIT之研究 (2/2)

● 2016 高效率量子記憶體與熱雷德堡EIT之研究 (1/2)


C. E. Wu, T. Kirova#, M. Auzins, and Y. H. Chen*, “Rydberg-Rydberg Interaction Strengths and Dipole Blockade Radii in the Presence of Förster Resonances,” Opt. Express 31, 37094 (2023). 通訊作者

B. Kim, K. T. Chen, K. Y. Chen, Y. S. Chiu, C. Y. Hsu, Y. H. Chen, and I. A. Yu*, “Experimental Demonstration of Stationary Dark-State Polaritons Dressed by Dipole-Dipole Interaction,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 133001 (2023).

J. Y. Liou, C. E. Wu, H. J. Su, and Y. H. Chen*, “Optimizing Population Accumulation in a Designated Single Zeeman State Using Microwave Spectroscopy,” Optics Continuum 2, 2017 (2023). 通訊作者

H. J. Su, J. Y. Liou, I. C. Lin, and Y. H. Chen*,Optical pumping effects on high-contrast Rydberg electromagnetically induced transparency,” Journal of Applied Physics 132, 244401 (2022). 通訊作者

Y. C. Chen, S. C. Fang, H. H. Lin, J. W. Dong, and Y. H. Chen*, “Investigation of alkali vapor diffusion characteristics through microchannels,” Physics of Fluids 34, 072004 (2022). 通訊作者

● C. C. Chang, Y. H. Chen, G. Y. Chen*, and L. Lin*, “Manipulating quantum interference of dressed photon fields,” Opt. Express 30, 18156 (2022).

 J. M. Chen, C. Y. Hsu, W. K. Huang, S. S. Hsiao, F. C. Huang, Y. H. Chen, C. S. Chuu, Y. C. Chen, Y. F. Chen, and I. A. Yu*, “Room-temperature biphoton source with a spectral brightness near the ultimate limit,” Phys. Rev. Research 4, 023132 (2022).

● H. J. Su, J. Y. Liou, I. C. Lin, and Y. H. Chen,* “Optimizing the Rydberg EIT spectrum in a thermal vapor,” Opt. Express 30, 1499 (2022). 通訊作者

● Y. H. Chen and Y. H. Chen,* “ Numerical study of large cross-phase modulation with stationary light pulses, ” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 38, 1834 (2021). 通訊作者

● K. F. Chang, T. P. Wang, C. Y. Chen, Y. H. Chen, Y. S. Wang, Y. F. Chen, Y. C. Chen, and I. A. Yu* “ Low-loss high-fidelity frequency beam splitter with tunable split ratio based on electromagnetically induced transparency, ” Phys. Rev. Research 3, 013096 (2021).

● C. Y. Hsu, Y. S. Wang, J. M. Chen, F. C. Huang, Y. T. Ke, E. K. Huang, W. Hung, K. L. Chao, S. S. Hsiao, Y. H. Chen, C. S. Chuu, Y. C. Chen, Y. F. Chen#, and I. A. Yu *  “ Generation of sub-MHz and spectrally-bright biphotons from hot atomic vapors with a phase mismatch-free scheme, ” Opt. Express 29, 4632 (2021).

● G. Wang, Y. S. Wang, E. K. Huang, W. Hung, K. L. Chao, P. Y. Wu, Y. H. Chen*, and I. A. Yu   “Ultranarrow-bandwidth filter based on a thermal EIT medium”, Sci. Rep. 8, 7959 (2018). 通訊作者

● Y. F. Hsiao, P. J. Tsai, H. S. Chen, S. X. Lin, C. C. Hung, C. H. Lee, Y. H. Chen, Y. F. Chen, I. A. Yu,* and Y. C. Chen,† “Highly Efficient Coherent Optical Memory Based on Electromagnetically Induced Transparency,”Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 183602 (2018).

● B. H. Wu, Y. W. Chuang, Y. H. Chen,# J. C. Yu, M. S. Chang, and I. A. Yu,* “Enhanced spectral profile in the study of Doppler-broadened Rydberg ensembles,” Sci. Rep. 7, 9726 (2017). 通訊作者

● Z. Y. Liu, Y. H. Chen, Y. C. Chen, H. Y. Lo, P. J. Tsai, I. A. Yu, Y. C. Chen, and Y. F. Chen*, “Large Cross-Phase Modulations at the Few-Photon Level,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 203601 (2016). (Editor's suggestion, Featured in Physics)

● F. Ripka, Y. H. Chen,# R. Löw, T. Pfau*, “Rydberg polaritons in a thermal vapor,” Phys. Rev. A 93, 053429 (2016). 通訊作者

● Y. H. Chen,# F. Ripka, R. Löw, T. Pfau*, “Pulsed Rydberg four-wave mixing with long dephasing times in a thermal vapor,” Appl. Phys. B (Special issue) 122:18 (2016). 第一作者與通訊作者

● C. K. Chiu, Y. H. Chen, Y. C. Chen, I. A. Yu, Y. C. Chen, and Y. F. Chen*, “Low-light-level four-wave mixing by quantum interference,” Phys. Rev. A 89, 023839 (2014).

● Y. H. Chen,# M. J. Lee, I. C. Wang, and I. A. Yu,* “Fidelity of the electro-magnetically-induced-transparency-based optical memory,” Phys. Rev. A 88, 023805 (2013). 第一作者與通訊作者

● W. M. Hsu, Y. H. Chen,# J. S. Wang, and I. A. Yu,* “Slow and stored light pulses in the presence of magnetic fields,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 30, 2123 (2013).通訊作者

● Y. H. Chen, M. J. Lee, I. C. Wang, S. Du, Y. F. Chen, Y. C. Chen, and I. A. Yu,* “Coherent Optical Memory with High Storage Efficiency and Large Fractional Delay,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 083601 (2013). 第一作者

● C. C. Lin, M. C. Wu, B. W. Shiau, Y. H. Chen, I. A. Yu, Y. F. Chen, and Y. C. Chen,* “Enhanced all-optical switching with double slow light pulses,” Phys. Rev. A 86, 063836 (2012).

● M. J. Lee, Y. H. Chen, I. C. Wang, and I. A. Yu,* “EIT-based switching and XPM under the influence of four-wave mixing,” Opt. Express 20, 11057 (2012).

● Y. H. Chen, M. J. Lee, W. Hung, Y. C. Chen, Y. F Chen, and I. A. Yu,* “Demonstration of the Interaction between Two Stopped Light Pulses,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 173603 (2012). 第一作者

● T. Peters, S. W. Su, Y. H. Chen, J. S. Wang, S. C. Gou, and I. A. Yu,* “Formation of stationary light in a medium of non-stationary atoms,” Phys. Rev. A 85, 023838 (2012).

● S. W. Su, Y. H. Chen, S. C. Gou,* and I. A. Yu,* “An effective thermal-parametrization theory for the slow-light dynamics in a Doppler-broadened electromagnetically induced transparency medium,” J. Phys. B 44, 165504 (2011). 

● S. W. Su, Y. H. Chen, S. C. Gou,* T. L. Horng, and I. A. Yu,* “Dynamics of slow light and light storage in a Doppler-broadened electromagnetically-induced-transparency medium: A numerical approach,” Phys. Rev. A 83, 013827 (2011).

● T. Peters, Y. H. Chen, J. S. Wang, Y. W. Lin, and I. A. Yu,* “Observation of phase variation within stationary light pulses inside a cold atomic medium,” Opt. Lett. 35, 151 (2010).

● T. Peters, Y. H. Chen, J. S. Wang, Y. W. Lin, and I. A. Yu,* “Optimizing the retrieval efficiency of stored light pulses”, Opt. Express 17, 6665 (2009).

● H. W. Cho, Y. C. He, T. Peters, Y. H. Chen, H. C. Chen, S. C. Lin, Y. C. Lee, and I. A. Yu,* “Direct measurement of the atom number in a Bose condensate,” Opt. Express 15, 12114 (2007).


● Y. H. Chen,* F. Ripka, R. Löw, and T. Pfau, “Observation of Rydberg polaritons via FWM in a thermal vapor”, SPIE Photonics West OPTO, “Slow Light, Fast Light, and Opto-Atomic Precision Metrology IX conference”, San Francisco, CA, USA (2016).



●  Y. H. Chen, Y. C. Chen, and I. A. Yu, “High-Efficiency Coherent Light Storage for the Application of Quantum Memory,” Bulletin of Association of Asia Pacific Physical Societies, vol. 26, p. 3 (2016).

●  陳易馨、余怡德,“慢光與光儲存在量子資訊科學之應用”,物理雙月刊 30 卷5 期,p.524-532(2008 年10 月)。CPS Physics Bimonthly, vol. 30, p.524-532 (2008).

●  陳易馨、余怡德,可調式光學濾波器以及可調式光學濾波器模組,台灣專利No. 201541126 (2015)。