姜一民 教授



I-Min Jiang

辦公室電話: 07-5252000-3721


榮退教授 98年01月退休




● 美國紐約州立大學物理博士(1981)

● 國立成功大學物理學士、碩士(1977)


● 國立中山大學物理系系主任(1994-1996)

● 國立中山大學物理研究所所長(1991-1993)

● 中華民國物理學會理事(1991-1993)

● 美國明尼蘇達大學訪問教授(1990-1991)

● 國立中山大學物理系教授(1990-迄今)

● 國立中山大學物理系副教授(1986-1990)

● 高雄師範學院物理系副教授(1985-1986)

● 國立成功大學物理系副教授(1981-1985)


● 凝態物理、液晶物理


● 液晶相變化、磁流體之動力學及磁光 、非線性物理


● 2008 液晶環境中電漿子交互作用下之次波長陣列穿透光譜及非球形奈米粒子光譜

● 2007 液晶環境中奈米粒子光譜研究

● 2006 液晶環境中奈米粒子光譜研究

● 2005 磁流體及液晶之非線性及偏極光學特性研究(II)

● 2004 磁流體及液晶之非線性及偏振光學特性研究


Ming-shan Tsai, Ko-kang Yang, Sy-hann Chen, Chen-ching Ting and I-min Jiang  “Fabrication of efficient thermoacoustic device with an interdigitated-like electrode on indium tin oxide glass” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics,(2016),55,106702

●Tung-Kai Liu, Ming-Shan Tsai, Wen-Chi Hung, Chie-Tong Kuo, Dong-Po Wang, I-Min Jiang. Field-enhanced Raman scattering by silver nanoparticle with graded SiO2 coating. Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 153105 (2013).

● Chien-Hui Lin, Chie-Tong Kuo, Tzu-Fang Hsu, Hengtai Jan, Shiang-Yi Han, Ming-Chung Ho, and I-Min Jiang, “Experimental observation of chaotic phase synchronization of a periodically pump-modulated multimode microchip Nd:YVO4 laser”, Phys. Lett. A 376, 1295 (2012).

● Chih Hao Peng, H. T. Liu, K. T. Wu, Y. F. Chen, Hsiung Chou, and I Min Jiang, “Two-Photon Luminescence in Yb:YAG”, Adv. Mat. Res. 535, 1359 (2012).

● Wen-Chi Hung, Tung-Kai Liu, Chun-Che Lee, I-Min Jiang, and Ming-Shan Tsai, “Field enhanced SERS on silver nano-particles substrate covered with a SiO2 buffer layer”, IEEE Conference BioRob 4th, 385 (2012).

● Liu, Tung-Kai; Hung, Wen-Chi; Tsai, Ming-Shan; Lo, Chia-Ling; Lin, Yu-Sung; Kuo, Chie-Tong; Jiang, I.-Min. Surface enhanced Raman radiation of crystal violet dye with a SiO2 buffer. Proceedings of the SPIE. Volume 7947, id. 79470W (2011).

● C.H. Peng, H.T. Liu, K.T. Wu, Y.F. Chen, H. Chou, I.M. Jiang, W.S. Tse, “Structural properties of host laser single crystal Yb:YAG”, Optical communications, 284, P5164 (2011)

● Chi-Huang Lin, Cheng-Hsiung Chen, Ru-Hsien Chiang, I-Min Jiang, Chie-Tong Kuo, and Chi-Yen Huang, “Dual-frequency liquid-crystal lenses based on a surface-relief dielectric structure on an electrode”, IEEE Photonics Technol. Lett. 23, 1875 (2011).


● 姜一民, “Diffraction properties of cholesteric liquid crystals and metal nanoparticle gratings”, 2008, invitation lecture, 海峡两岸统計物理及凝聚態理論會議,浙江師範大學.

● 姜一民,”Surface plamons induced extra diffraction band of cholesteric liquid crystal grating”, invitation lecture, 中國液態晶體學會2008年年會.

● I-Min Jiang, Ming-Shan Tsai, Wen-Chi Hung, and Wood-Hi Cheng, “Enhanced Diffraction in Cholesteric Liquid Crystal Gratings”, PIERS (Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium) 2007 Beijing, China, p885.

● I-Min Jiang, “Enhanced Diffraction in Cholesteric Liquid Crystal Gratings”, invitation lecture, International conference of smart materials and nanotechnology (SPIE-SMN 2007).

● I-Min Jiang, “Some optical nonlinear applications in liquid crystals”, 2007, invitation lecture, 第三届海峡两岸统計物理會議,杭州.


● 陳修文,姜一民譯, Liquid versus photonic crystal, 液晶簡訊, 2002, 第一期, p.29-30.

● 陳修文,姜一民譯, Principles for measurement of chemical exposure based on recognition-driven anchoring transitions in liquid crystals, 液晶簡訊, 2002, 第一期, p31-32.

● I. M. Jiang and C. C. Huang, 1995, ² Helicity Modulus near a Three-State-Potts Transition in Two Dimensions ², University of Minnesota Supercomputer Institute Research Report UMSI 95/98 April.

● C. C. Huang, S. N. Huang, I. M. Jiang, Anjun Jin, J. Y. Ko and T. Stoebe, 1994, ² Monte Carlo Simulation of a Compled XY Model² , 1994 Annual Research Report of the Minnesota Supercomputer Institute, p. 253.

● C. C. Huang, I. M. Jiang, Anjun Jin, J. Johnson, and T. Stoebe, 1994, ² Two-dimensional Monte Carlo Simulations of Heat Capacity of Substrate-free Physical Systems² , 1994 Annual Research Report of the Minnesota Supercomputer Institute, p.254.