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Department of Physics Guidelines for Department General Meeting Establishment 20081003

















Department of Physics Guidelines for Department General Meeting Establishment
Amended and approved by the 2nd Department General Meeting on October 3, 2008, School Year 97.
I. This set of guidelines is specifically issued in order to establish a system for managing departmental affairs of the Department of Physics and efficient operation of departmental affairs.
II. All full-time faculty members of assistant professors or above of the department are ex officio members of department general meetings. Faculty members who are on secondment, studies abroad, on leaves, or serve as first-class heads in the university may apply for excuses from the meetings each semester. When discussing proposals for regulations related to student performances, student lives, and rewards/punishments, one undergraduate student representative and one graduate student representative shall be invited to attend the meetings. Chairman of the department’s Student Association is an ex officio representative. When necessary, other staff members of the department may be invited to attend the meetings.
III. Discussions in department general meetings includes the following items:
A. Department development plan.
B. Items proposed by each committee.
C. Issues cosigned by two personnel.
D. Proposals approved through discussions by the Department of Physics Student Association Student Representative Joint Committee.
IV. A department general meeting comprises personnel services, funding, course, space, academics, admission, graduate student scholarships, doctoral student qualification examination, computer, and faculty member evaluation committees. In the beginning of each school year, at least three members for each committee are selected through vote by all members, and the member who receives the most votes shall act as the convener of the committee. In order for every member to have opportunities to participate in committee affairs, each member shall join at most two committees. The operation organization and committee responsibilities are specified additionally.
V. The department general meeting shall be convened by the chairman of the department once every month. The meeting is effective only when over half of the total members attend, and an issue is approved only when over half of attendant members agree. An important issue is approved only when over two-thirds of the total members attend and over two-thirds of attendant members agree. Relevant personnel may be invited to attend meetings to provide explanations or specifications. The chairman of the department shall act as the chairman of the meeting. One person may be elected among attendant members to act as the chairman of the meeting if the department’s chairman is absent. Communication votes and commissioned votes are allowed for members who are unable to attend meetings.
VI. The present regulations shall be implemented following approvals of department general meetings. The same procedure shall be carried out when amendments are to be made.
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