




第一條 依據“國立中山大學導師制度實施辦法”及為培養德智兼備之人才,以落實導師輔導工作,特訂定本細則。

第二條 本系導師編制:




第三條 一般導師之編組方式由系人事委員會依下列原則擬訂初步名單,經系務會議同意後執行:




第四條 導師時間為導師輔導學生之時間,應列入課程表公告實施。

第五條 系主任導師職責如下:




第六條 一般導師之職責如下:









第七條 系輔導老師之職責如下:





第八條 導師費發放方式:




第九條 導師及導生活動相關經費及用途如下:




第十條 本系專任教師均有擔任導師之義務,導師工作且為獎勵、升等及評鑑之參考。

第十一條 導師因特殊原因不能繼續輔導,或未能按本要點執行導師職責時,由本系主任導師及人事委員會共同研商後,報請校長另聘之。

第十二條 本辦法經系務會議通過,修正時亦同。




Department of Physics Regulations for Mentor System


Approved by the 9th Department General Meeting on May 11, 2010, School Year 98.


Article I.              This set of regulations is specifically issued in accordance with the “National Sun Yat-sen University (NSYSU) Guidelines for Mentor System” to set rules for implementation of class counseling.

Article II.              Mentors of the Department of Physics

A.    Chief mentor of the department: to be concurrently assumed by the department chair.

B.    Mentors: the department’s full-time faculty members interested in assuming such positions (those engaging in further study overseas and on leaves not included).

C.    Department student counselors: The Office of Student Affairs shall consult with the Counseling and Career Development Division of the Office of Student Affairs to select professional counseling personnel to assume the positions.

Article III.              The Personnel Committee of the department shall adopt the following principle, draw up a list of mentor candidates and acquire the approval of the department general meeting before implementing class mentoring.

A.    There shall be two mentors for the freshman class. One shall be the general physics faculty member and the other a senior excellent mentor or a female mentor to provide counseling and guidance for freshman students.

B.    Second-, third-, and forth-year classes shall have one mentor for every 10 to 22 students in principle. A professor teaching a required course of the class shall be the priority candidate for the position.

C.    Master's degree students and doctoral students shall have their supervisors as mentors; students who have not chosen their supervisors shall be assigned mentors by the department chair.

Article IV.              The work hours of mentors are the hours they spend providing counseling and guidance for students and shall be included in class timetables and publicly announced.

Article V.              The responsibilities of the chief mentor shall be as follows:

A.    Convening department mentor meetings at least once per semester.

B.    Supervising mentoring work as well as reviewing and improving the department mentor system.

C.    Attending mentor meetings and workshops on student counseling organized by the university.

Article VI.              The responsibilities of mentors shall be as follows:

A.    Understanding the aptitude, interests, expertise, learning attitude, and family situation of each student.

B.    Providing students with guidance in enrollment, course selection, and participation in extracurricular activities as well as helping students with their problems concerning learning, life, interpersonal relations, and mentality.

C.    Participating in students’ tours, camping activities, visits, picnics, socializing activities, discussions, seminars and social services, and providing guidance outside mentor work hours.

D.    Interviewing each student at least twice per semester and recording key information on the “General Student Information Platform;” working with the Office of Student Affairs according to the “Counseling and Career Development Division Procedures for Student Crisis Handling through Cooperation with Mentors” and taking immediate actions when serious student crises occur.

E.     Completing student conduct evaluation and registering the grades on the “General Student Information Platform” before final examinations each semester.

F.     Attending meetings about students they counsel and mentor meetings; requesting the Office of Student Affairs to award or sanction students with remarkable deeds or serious misconduct.

G.    Instructing students to complete the “Student Activity Application Form” and the “Student Activity Achievement Sheet” before and after student activities and turning in the forms to the Counseling and Career Development Division of the Office of Student Affairs.

H.    Attending mentor counseling workshops organized by the Ministry of Education or the university to enhance their counseling capacity.

Article VII.              The responsibilities of department mentors shall be as follows:

A.    Providing counseling and guidance for students.

B.    Consolidating needs of the department and working with the Counseling and Career Development Division of the Office of Student Affairs to plan and promote counseling work.

C.    Organizing activities to promote students’ mental health.

D.    Handling and studying student problems.

Article VIII.              Mentoring fees and issuance:

A.    Chief mentor: mentor guidance fee to be issued according to the ranking of the chief mentor. Fees are issued for two hours per week and 18 weeks per semester.

B.    Undergraduate mentors: To be issued according to the number of students counseled—NT$850 per student per semester.

C.    Postgraduate mentors: To be issued according to the number of students counseled—NT$550 per student per semester.

Article IX.              Funds available for student mentoring activities and their purposes:

A.    Funds for counseling in special circumstances: Unexpected expenses required for mentors or related counseling personnel to handle student emergencies, illnesses, mental health conditions, family issues or emotional problems.

B.    Student mentoring activity subsidies: Each semester every mentor may apply for subsidies for activities specifically organized to increase interaction with students or to provide counseling. The amount shall be NT$110 per student per semester at the maximum. Receipts are required.

C.    Mentoring workshop funding: To be provided for the department to conduct mentoring workshops—NT$15,000 per semester in principle and receipts are required.

Article X.              Every full-time faculty member of the department has the obligation to serve as a mentor and mentoring works shall be a consideration in decision of rewards and promotions and evaluation.

Article XI.              When mentors are unable to continue their work due to special reasons or fail to perform their duties according to these regulations, the chief mentor and the Personnel Committee shall consult and request the president to appoint replacements.

Article XII.              This set of regulations shall be implemented following approval of the department general meeting. The same procedure shall be carried out when amendments are to be made. 
