
郭建成 副教授兼本校副教務長


郭建成 副教授

Chien-Cheng Kuo

辦公室電話: 07-5252000-3735

實驗室電話: 07-5252000-3717






● 國立台灣大學物理博士(1996-2000)

● 國立台灣大學物理碩士(1994-1996)

● 國立台灣大學物理學士(1989-1994)


● 國立中山大學副教授(2011-迄今)

● 國立中山大學助理教授(2005-2011)

● 德國馬克斯普朗克微結構物理研究所訪問科學家 (2008)

● 國立中山大學博士後研究員(2004-2005)

● 德國馬克斯普朗克微結構物理研究所訪問科學家(2002)

● 國立台灣大學博士後研究員(2000-2004)


● 奈米物理、表面物理、自旋電子物理


● 基礎物理數學、應用數學、奈米磁學專題研討


● 奈米材料的磁性與電子結構研究

● 自旋電子材料研究

● 多層膜層間交互作用

● 超高真空探針顯微技術


● 2023 凡得瓦結構中的自旋交互作用(1/2)

● 2022 凡得瓦結構中應變引致的自旋現象

● 2021 人造反鐵磁相的自旋結構與層間自旋交換耦合研究

● 2021 自旋解析能譜與顯微術平台的建造(2/2)

● 2020 自旋解析能譜與顯微術平台的建造(1/2)

● 2020 層狀蜂巢結構中的介面磁性研究(2/2)

● 2019 層狀蜂巢結構中的介面磁性研究(1/2)

● 2018 異質材料中的磁性拓樸結構

● 2017 層狀二維新穎材料的結構與電子特性研究(2/2)

● 2016 層狀二維新穎材料的結構與電子特性研究(1/2)

● 2015 層狀結構的表面探測

● 2014 以石墨烯為基礎的自旋電子學研究(2/2)

● 2013 原子級介面平整度對磁性奈米材料的影響及在自旋電子學之應用(1/3)

● 2013 以石墨烯為基礎的自旋電子學研究(1/2)

● P. Y. Cai, Y. W. Huang, Y. C. Huang, M. C. Cheng, L. W. Lan, C. C. Kuo, J. H. Wang, and M. F. Luo, 'Atomic Structures of Pt Nanoclusters Supported on Graphene Grown on Pt(111)', Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 122 (2018), 16132-41.
● Y. J. Chan, C. H. Huan, Y. M. Chang, Y. Y. Lu, S. Y. Wu, D. H. Wei, and C. C. Kuo, 'Dipolar Magnetism in Assembled Co Nanoparticles on Graphene', Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 20 (2018), 20629-34.
● S. Y. Wu, L. W. Lang, P. Y. Cai, Y. W. Chen, Y. L. Lai, M. W. Lin, Y. J. Hsu, W. I. Lee, J. L. Kuo, M. F. Luo, and C. C. Kuo, 'Microscopic Evidence for the Dissociation of Water Molecules on Cleaved Gan(1(1)over Bar00)', Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 20 (2018), 1261-66.
● F. C. Chuang, C. H. Hsu, H. L. Chou, C. P. Crisostomo, Z. Q. Huang, S. Y. Wu, C. C. Kuo, W. C. V. Yeh, H. Lin, and A. Bansil, 'Prediction of Two-Dimensional Topological Insulator by Forming a Surface Alloy on Au/Si(111) Substrate', Physical Review B, 93 (2016).
● C.H. Hsu, Z.Q. Huang, F.C. Chuang, C.C. Kuo, Y.T. Liu, H. Lin, A. Bansil, The nontrivial electronic structure of Bi/Sb honeycombs on SiC(0001), New Journal of Physics, 17 (2015).
● S.Y. Wu, C.H. Hsu, W.C.V. Yeh, H. Lin, F.C. Chuang, C.C. Kuo, Stable structure of high In coverage on Si(111)-alpha-root 3 x root 3-Au, Physical Review B, 90 (2014).
● K.T. Liu, J.W. Chen, Y.W. Liao, W.C. Lin, C.B. Wu, C.C. Kuo, M.T. Lin, K.J. Song, Controllable sealing of leaky alumina films on NiAl(100) surface by catalytic oxidation, Journal of Applied Physics, 115 (2014).

● C.J. Tsai, K.J. Hsueh, N. Plusnin, C.C. Kuo, W.C. Lin, Growth, thermal stability and magnetism of Ni ultrathin films on 0-3 x 3/W(111) surface, Applied Surface Science, 313 (2014) 166-171.

● K.J. Hsueh, C.J. Tsai, S.Y. Wu, H.L. Chou, F. Bisio, C.C. Kuo, W.C. Lin, Oxygen surfactant-assisted growth and dewetting of Co films on O-3 x 3/W(111), Journal of Applied Physics, 114 (2013).


● 2009 Annual Conference of Physical Society Taiwan: Controlled growth of well-ordered Fe cluster assembly on Au(111) herringbone reconstructure Y. C. Hu, H. Y. Chang, W. C. Lin, K. J. Song, and C. C. Kuo

● 2009 Annual Conference of Physical Society Taiwan: Temperature and magnetic field dependent transition of graphemeC. W. Liu, T. H. Wu, L. Y. Yan, C. H. Huang, K. J. Song, and C. C. Kuo

● 2009 Annual Conference of Physical Society Taiwan: Temperature and magnetic field dependent transition of graphene C. W. Liu, T. H. Wu, L. Y. Yan, C. H. Huang, K. J. Song and C. C. Kuo

● IEEE International magnetics conference 2009, Sacramento, California, USA: Dimensionality control and characterization of magnetic nanostructures for Fe on nano-patterned Au(111) W. C. Lin, H. Y. Chang, Y. T. Hu, and C. C. Kuo

● International Colloquium on Magnetic Films and Surfaces, Berlin, Germany: Evolution of structures and magnetic properties for Fe nanostructures on Au(111) with nanopatterns W. C. Lin, H. Y. Chang, Y. T. Hu, and C. C. Kuo

J. H. Lai, C. C. Kuo*, Y. C. Liu, and J. C. A. Huang*. Thermal evolution of magnetic anisotropy of Fe nanoparticles. J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 310, e803 (2007).

