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Educational Goals and Students’ Professional Competences


Educational Goals and Students’ Professional Competences




教育目標 Educational Goals

1. 培育探索物理新知、啟發原創能力之科學專業人才

To cultivate scientific professionals of original creativity through exploration of physics

2. 培育具備團隊精神且善於溝通之領導人才

To cultivate talents of leadership, team spirits and communication skills

3. 培育國家科技發展需求之中堅人才

To cultivate societal elites for domestic technological development needs

4. 培育具備前瞻科技新知之應用科技人才

  To cultivate industrial physicists up to date with cutting-edge science and technologies


學生專業能力 Students’ Professional Competences 

1. 具備通盤認知基礎物理學識之能力

A broad knowledge of fundamental physics

2. 具備深入了解物理各領域學識之能力

Competence of developing in-depth knowledge in all sub-fields of physics

3. 具備物理相關數學之能力

Solid mathematical foundation essential to physics

4. 具備實作物理及應用物理學識之能力

  Experiences in hands-on practice and competences in applications of physics 

5. 具備探索未知之精神及實踐之能力

  The curiosity and practice of exploring the unknown


碩士班  Master’s Students

 教育目標 Educational Goals


1. 培育高階物理學識

To cultivate visionary scholarship in physics

2. 培育前瞻科學應用技能

  To cultivate skills of applied sciences

學生專業能力 Students’ Professional Competences 


The visionary scientific scholarship


An understanding of trends in science


The competence of analyzing and solving problems


博士班 Doctoral Students

 教育目標 Educational Goals


To cultivate abilities of independent research and innovation


To cultivate global vision


學生專業能力 Students’ Professional Competences 


The ability to innovate and do independent research


The ability to publish scientific papers in academic journals  


The experience of participations in international conferences or academic exchange programs