
黃旭明 教授



Shiu-Ming Huang

研究室電話: 07-5252000 - 3730

研究室: 物理館PH2001





● 台灣交通大學物理系博士 (2001 - 2008)

● 台灣師範大學學士(1997 - 2001) (師大物理系系友通訊)

● 3-years foreign exchange studentship, Advanced Science Institute, RIKEN, Japan (2004 - 2007)


● 國立中山大學物理系教授(2019.8.1-迄今)

● 國立中山大學物理系副教授(2016.2.1-2019.7.31)

● 國立中山大學物理系助理教授(2011.8.1-2016.1.31)

● 日本 RIKEN理化學研究所 博士後研室員(2009/10-2011/07)


● 低微材料、量子傳輸實驗、磁性物理、光及氣體感應元件


● 普通物理、力學、電磁學、物理實驗、低溫物理、非區域自旋閥專題研究


● 2023 教育部教學實踐研究計畫--問題導向實驗學課程中自我撰寫程式對於改善實驗成果成效的研究(計畫成果--學生回饋)

● 2022 低微材料結構誘發本徵鐵磁行為的研究

● 2021 教育部教學實踐研究計畫--問題導向實驗學課程中動態雲端資料庫對於改善學生先備知識成效的研究

● 2021 大外爾點間距外爾半金屬的量子傳輸性質研究

● 2020 教育部教學實踐研究計畫--動態雲端平台對於學生問題導向學習成效的研究(計畫成果--學生回饋)(計畫成果--中小學趣味科學演示推廣活動)

● 2020 找尋拓譜超討體單晶體系統和研究其量子傳輸性質

● 2019 全拓譜材料光電特性的電晶體開發研究(2/2)

● 2018 全拓譜材料光電特性的電晶體開發研究(1/2)

● 2018 教育部教學實踐研究計畫-設計性研究式物理實驗

● 2017 低微材料的光及電性研究

● 2016 電子自旋在金屬中的散射機制(3/3)

● 2015 電子自旋在金屬中的散射機制(2/3)

● 2014 電子自旋在金屬中的散射機制(1/3)

● 2012-2014 低溫下電子自旋間散射時間與其物理機制的探討 (國科會3年計畫)

 Shiu-Ming Huang, Tzu-Yueh Tu, Pin-Cing Wang, Chang-Yu Li, Mitch Chou, Hao-Ting Wu, Yue-Cheng Hsieh, and Ruei-San Chen, The surface oxidation effect on photocurrent in WSe1.95Te0.05 nanosheets, iScience 27, 111461 (2024).(通訊作者)(論文成果海報)
 Shiu-Ming Huang, Fu-En Cheng, Wei-Chueh Cheng, Pin-Cing Wang, You-Jhih Yan, Mitch M.C. Chou, Chih-Mien Lee, and Chiu-Hsien Wu, Enhancement of NO2 sensing in Sb2Te2Se by vacancies. Sensors and Actuators: A. Physical, 378, 115796 (2024).(論文成果海報)
● Shiu-Ming Huang, Fu-En Cheng, Pin-Cing Wang, Kuan-Ting Liu, and Mitch Chou, The structure induced magnetic susceptibility peak to dip transition in the MoSe2−xTex, Results in Physics 61, 107786 (2024). (論文成果海報)
● Shiu-Ming Huang, Wei-Chueh Cheng, Pin-Cing Wang, Fu-En Cheng, and Chiu-Hsien Wu, Significant enhancement of NO2 detection response in MoTe2 with 1T'-2H structure mixture. ACS Applied Nano materials 7, 306 (2024). (論文成果海報)
● Shiu-Ming Huang, Tzu-Yueh Tu, Pin-Cing Wang, Chang-Yu Li, Mitch Chou, Hao-Ting Wu, Yue-Cheng Hsieh and Ruei-San Chen, The oxidation enhancement photocurrent response in WSe1.95Te0.05 nanosheets. Applied Surface Science 628, 159488 (2023). (論文成果海報)

● Shiu-Ming Huang, Pin-Cing Wang, Kuo-Yi Hung, Fu-En Cheng, Chang-Yu Li and Mitch Chou. The temperature-independent paramagnetism susceptibility peak at zero magnetic fields in the non-topological WSe2 single crystal. Results in Physics 44, 106126 (2023). (論文成果海報)

Shiu-Ming Huang, Pin-Cing Wang, Kuo-Yi Hung, Fu-En Cheng, Chang-Yu Li and Mitch Chou. On the paramagnetic-like susceptibility peaks at Zero Magnetic Field in WSe2−xTex single crystals. Nanoscale Research Letters 17, 107 (2022)(論文成果海報)

Shiu-Ming Huang, Pin-Cing Wang, and Fu-En Cheng. A singular paramagnetic susceptibility peak in a WSe2/MoSe2 chemical bonding structure. Applied Physics Letters 121, 063102 (2022).(論文成果海報)

Shiu-Ming Huang, Pin-Cyuan Chen, Pin-Cing Wang. The Lattice Distortion-Induced Ferromagnetism in the Chemical-Bonded MoSe2/WSe2 at Room Temperature. Nanoscale Research Letters 17, 55 (2022). (論文成果海報)

Shiu-Ming Huang, Chien Lin, Sheng-Yu You, You-Jhih Yan, Shih-Hsun Yu, and Mitch Chou. The quantum oscillations in different probe configurations in the BiSbTe3 topological insulator macroflake. Sci Rep. 12, 5191 (2022).(論文成果海報)

Shiu-Ming Huang, Pin-Cing Wang, Pin-Cyuan Chen, Jai-Long Hong, Cheng-Maw Cheng, Hao-Lun Jian, You-Jhih Yan, Shih-Hsun Yu and Mitch Chou. The singularity paramagnetic peak of Bi0.3Sb1.7Te3 with p-type surface state. Nanoscale Research Letters 17, 12 (2022).(論文成果海報)

(這篇文章推翻了一篇Nat. Material, 兩篇 Phys. Rev. B, 三篇 Sci. Rep.的共同結論)

Shiu‑Ming Huang, Pin‑Cing Wang, Hao‑Lun Jian and Mitch M. C. Chou ,The Magnetic Susceptibility Bifurcation in the Ni-Doped Sb2Te3 Topological Insulator with Antiferromagnetic Order Accompanied by Weak Ferromagnetic Alignment.  Nanoscale Research Letter 16, 180 (2021).(論文成果海報)

 Shiu-Ming Huang, Pin-Cyuan Chen and Pin-Cing Wang, The High Coercivity Field in Chemically Bonded WSe2/MoSe2 Powder. Nanomaterials 11,3263  (2021).(論文成果海報)

 Shiu-Ming Huang, Jai-Lung Hung, Mitch Chou, Chi-Yang Chen, Fang-Chen Liu and Ruei-San Chen,  "The Highly Uniform Photoresponsivity from Visible to Near IR Light in Sb2Te3 Flakes." Sensors 21, 1535 (2021).

 Shiu-Ming Huang, Chien Lin, Sheng-Yu You, Pin-Cyuan Chen, Jai-Long Hong, Jyun-Fong Wong, You-Jhih Yan, Shih-Hsun Yu and Mitch M. C. Chou, 'Observation of Landau Level-Dependent Aharonov-Bohm-Like Oscillations in a Topological Insulator', Nanoscale Research Letter 15, 171 (2020).

● Shiu-Ming Huang, Lin-Jie Lin, You-Jhih Yan, Shih-Hsun Yu, Mitch M. C. Chou, Ho-Feng Hsieh, Chin-Jung Ho and Ruei-San Chen, Extremely enhanced photocurrent response in Topological insulator nanosheets with high conductance. Nanoscale Research Letter 13, 371 (2018).
● Shiu-Ming Huang, Kai-Jui Chen, You-Jhih Yan, Shih-Hsun Yu and Mitch Chou, The thickness-induced magneto-transport and optic properties enhancement in Sb2Te3 flake. Sci. Rep. 8, 16690 (2018).
● Shiu-Ming Huang, Pin-Chun Wang, Chien Lin, Sheng-Yu You, Wei-Cheng Lin, Lin-Jie Lin, You-Jhih Yan, Shih-Hsun Yu, and Mitch Chou, The Aharonov-Bohm oscillation in the BiSbTe3 topological insulator macroflake. Appl. Phys. Lett. 112, 203103 (2018). (論文成果海報)
● Yong Zhou, Jiawei Lai, Lingjian Kong, Junchao Ma, Zhu Lin, Fang Lin, Rui Zhu, Jun Xu, Shiu-Ming Huang, Dongsheng Tang, Song Liu, Zhensheng Zhang, Zhi-Min Liao, Dong Sun, Dapeng Yu, Single crystalline SmB6 nanowires for self-powered, broadband photodetectors covering mid-infrared. Appl. Phys. Lett. 112, 162102 (2018).
● L. X. Qin, X.C. Pan, F.Q. Song, L. Zhang, Z. H. Sun, M. Q. Li, P. Gao, B. C. Lin, S. M. Huang, R. Zhu, J. Xu, F. Lin, H. Z. Lu, D. Yu, Z. M. Liao, Confined-path interference suppressed quantum correction on weak antilocalization effect in a BiSbTeSe2 topological insulator. Appl. Phys. Lett. 112, 032102 (2018)
● Zhu Lin, Yong Zhou, Ling-Jian Kong, Dongsheng Tang, Hai-Zhou Lu, Shiu-Ming Huang, Rui Zhu, Jun Xu, Fang Lin, Jianbo Wang, Zhi-Min Liao, and Dapeng Yu, Interplay between topological surface states and superconductivity in SmB6/NbN tunnel junctions Phys. Rev. B 96, 165408 (2017) 
● S. M. Huang,  S. J. Huang, Y. J. Yan, S. H Yu, M. Chou, H. W. Yang, Y. S. Chang and R. S. Chen,  Highly responsive photoconductance in a Sb2SeTe2 topological insulator nanosheet at room temperature, RSC Advances 7, 39057 (2017). 
● S. M. Huang, Y. J. Yan, S. H. Yu, and M. Chou, Thickness-dependent conductance in Sb2SeTe2 topological insulator nanosheets, Sci Rep. 7, 1896 (2017).(論文成果海報)
● S. M. Huang, S. J. Huang , C. Hsu, P. V. Wadekar, Y. J. Yan, S. H. Yu, and M. Chou, Enhancement of carrier transport characteristic in the Sb2Se2Te topological insulators by N2 adsorption, Sci Rep. 7, 5133 (2017)
● S. M. Huang, C. Y. Huang, S. J. Huang, C. Hsu, S. H. Yu, M. Chou, P. V. Wadekar, Quark Y. S. Chen and L. W. Tu, 'Observation of surface oxidation resistant Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations in Sb2SeTe2 topological insulator', J. Appl. Phys. 121 , 054311 (2017).
● S. M. Huang, S. H. Yu, and M. Chou, 'Two-Carrier Transport-Induced Extremely Large Magnetoresistance in High Mobility Sb2se3', Journal of Applied Physics, 121 (2017).
● S. M. Huang, 'Effect of thermal annealing on the spin Seebeck effect in Pt/Ni81Fe19 at room temperature', Thin solid film 631, 200 (2017).
● S. M. Huang, S. J. Huang, Y. J. Yan, S. H. Yu, M. Chou, H. W. Yang, Y. S. Chang and R. S. Chen, 'Extremely high-performance visible light photodetector in the Sb2SeTe2 nanoflake', Sci. Rep. 7 , 45413 (2017)
● S. M. Huang, S. H. Yu, M. Chou, 'The temperature dependence of the crossover magnetic field of linear magnetoresistance in the Cu0.1Bi2Se3', Mater. Res. Express 3, 086103 (2016).
● S. M. Huang, S. H. Yu, and M. Chou, 'The Large Linear Magnetoresistance in Sb2se2te Single Crystal with Extremely Low Mobility', Materials Research Express, 3 (2016).
● S. M. Huang, S. Y. Lin, J. F. Chen, C. K. Lee, S. H. Yu, M. M. C. Chou, C. M. Cheng, and H. D. Yang, 'Shubnikov-De Haas Oscillation of Bi2te3 Topological Insulators with Cm-Scale Uniformity', Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 49 (2016).
● S. M. Huang, S. H. Yu, and M. Chou, 'The Linear Magnetoresistance from Surface State of the Sb2sete2 Topological Insulator', Journal of Applied Physics, 119 (2016).
● S.M. Huang, J.L. Jheng, The influence of graphene surface configuration on molecular detection output signals, Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 48 (2015).
● Y.H. Liu, C.W. Chong, J.L. Jheng, S.Y. Huang, J.C.A. Huang, Z. Li, H. Qiu, S.M. Huang, V.V. Marchenkov, Gate-tunable coherent transport in Se-capped Bi2Se3 grown on amorphous SiO2/Si, Applied Physics Letters, 107 (2015).
 S.M. Huang, P. Kumar, Effects of molecular adsorption on carrier transport properties of large-size graphene, Journal of Applied Physics, 117 (2015).
 S.M. Huang, Y.F. Fan, P. Kumar, Gas detection using large-size graphene with defects, Journal of Applied Physics, 116 (2014).
● A. O. Badrutdinov, S. M. Huang, K. Ono, K. Kono, and D. A. Tayurskii, “Dynamic nuclear polarization with three electrons in a vertical double quantum dot”, Phys. Rev. B 88, 035303 (2013).(通訊作者)

● 2013 International Conference for Top and Emerging Materials Scientists (IC-TEMS 2013 Zhuhai) (invited speaker)

● The 2013 summer workshop on Quantum Science and Technology (QST) (invited speaker)

● 26th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics (LT26), Beijing, China, August 10 ~ 17, 2011. (invited oral)

● 66th Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Japan, Nigada, Japan, March 25 ~ 28, 2011 (Oral)

● Frontiers in Nanoscale Science and Technology: Nanoelectronics & Spintronics & Quantum Information, RIKEN, Wako, Saitama, Japan, January 5 ~ 7, 2011 (Post)
